Friday, January 6, 2012


 I haven't yet worn this outfit because it makes me feel like a supreme DIVA... but I'm sure I'll find the right moment where a little black-on-black fashion sass is needed.  Anytime I have the blues, dressing up in a certain way transforms my mood and makes any hardship a little more manageable.  Life has been giving me lemons lately and while I've been trying to dress up more to boost my mood, I've still been a bit bummed out.  I have, however, had a few people reach out to me which has meant more than they could know.  As I'm pretty sure a few of them read my blog, thank you thank you thank you for everything.  Happy Thursday!!  I'm off to the Skylark in Denver for a much needed ladies night!
Maxi dress: Buffalo Exchange;  Hoodie: Victoria's Secret;  Jacket: F21;  Sunnies: F21;  Shoes: Thrifted