Monday, March 18, 2013

A sweater!

Coat: Younkers $? // Sweater: Buffalo Exchange $30 // Shirt: Express $30 // Jeans: F21 $12 // Boots: Nine West $30 
Hey, look!  A sweater!  
With an animal on it!
Isn't it the most presh thing you've ever seen?
I wore this to both jobs today and felt fairly productive.  I can't help but feel productive when wearing an oxford/sweater combo.  I guess the glasses don't hurt either.
I worked with a student on a piece of writing involving her knitting and was able to use my sweater as a prime example.  So, bonus points on that one.
Hope y'all are having a lovely day.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Floral Blazer: Thrifted $6 // Shirt: Espress (Gifted) $0 // Shorts: Thrifted $7 // Coat: Younkers $? // Shoes: Nine West $30

I didn't realize how much having a dog could cramp my dress-up style.  I've been living in sweatpants and old tees while we train her, and I've felt like such a schlub.
Though I didn't wear this outfit for very long, I felt the perfect amount of pretty in my red coat and new floral blazer.
Hope you've been well!