HI!!! I've been wearing this outfit non-stop since I used some of my bday money to purchase the coziest hat and shirt on sale at Forever 21. When I say non-stop, I literally mean every single day. No shame. They were love at first sight along with some other finds I'll be sharing with you soon! BIRTHDAY!
Jeremiah and I went to the NBA Nuggets game at the Pepsi Center tonight. The Nuggets had been on a four game losing streak so I had high hopes...but then we lost. GAH! And that was that. NUGGETS!
I'm pretty sleepers at this point as my week has been full of Chaucer, Du Bois, Cummings and my big fat psychology book. In addition to school, I've also been mad-searching for a new place to live and mad-applying to various jobs and scholarships. COLLEGE!
Hope ya'll are having an excellent week!!
[Coat: thrifted Bebe; Striped Shirt and Hat: F21; Gray Shirt: Gap; Corduroys: Levi's; Glove: Younkers; Sunnies: H&M; Shoes: Nine West; Busted Up Garage: Our Own]
I love the picture of you mid-step, kinda bending over with the gloves in your hand! I don't know why but it's just so candidly cuuuute! :}